Continuous and uninterrupted power and cooling is the lifeblood of many businesses and operation, such as, data centre, hospital, banking, etc. The demand of such facilities is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Compromise will lead to mission-critical business breakdown and cost company million dollar of losses, let alone unrecoverable reputation damage.
In the case of data certer: Since the 1980s, the overall percentage of downtime event caused by facilities has grown as computer become more reliable. Total availability is dramatically affected because repair times for facilities event are so high. A further analysis of caused by facility failure indicates that utility outages have actually decline, primarily due to installation of standby generator.

Outside the Council Bluffs data center, radiator-like cooling towers chill water from the server floor down to room temperature. Photo: Google/Connie Zhou
LEARNZ Solutions
LEARNZ Malaysia has developed a series of facilities maintenance related training program which aimed to help organization, particularly data center, hospital and other organization which needs uninterrupted power and cooling supplies, to improve and enhance the effectiveness of its facilities maintenance activities and program.
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